Canterbury Christ Church University operating as The STEM Hub coordinates the STEM Ambassador Programme across the South East to help inspire young people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Through this we have a responsibility to:
Based at Canterbury Christ Church University, we support the agenda for ensuring a good supply of scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians in the UK.
We provide all schools and colleges in the South East region with free impartial advice and guidance on a wide range of STEM Enrichment and Engagement (E&E) activities, helping them to identify which opportunities can best inspire their young people in STEM.
These E&E activities produce successful STEM learners by offering engaging and achievable challenges, whilst building student confidence. They support students' development into responsible citizens through placing the STEM learning in relevant life contexts.
STEM Ambassadors cross all ages and backgrounds, representing thousands of different employers across the UK. Our Ambassadors include apprentices, zoologists, set designers, climate change scientists, engineers, farmers, geologists, nuclear physicists, and architects.
They help to open the doors to a world of opportunities and possibilities which come from pursuing STEM subjects and careers.
They not only inspire young people; they also support teachers in the classroom by explaining current applications of STEM in industry or research.
"The STEM Ambassador mentioned a really important point about choosing a degree course that has an accreditation so that students can get their desired job. This was something I had not thought of when talking to students applying for engineering." (Assistant Director of Sixth Form)
"Students were able to see what opportunities/careers are open to them and the pathways to how to achieve a future in different careers.".
"STEM Ambassadors have a wealth and knowledge and expertise in their fields of STEM that is so valuable and they all engaged well with the students and were fantastic." (Careers Coordinator)
See how we are inspiring the next generation scientists, technologists, enegineers and mathematicians.
The UK-wide STEM Ambassador programme is managed by STEM Learning, which operates the National STEM Learning Centre and Network, alongside other projects supporting STEM education.
Please get in touch to find out how we can help you inspire your young people or to find out more about motivating young people by becoming a STEM Ambassador.
Tel: 01227 922708 | Email: