The STEM Hub Canterbury Christ Church University
The STEM Hub


Celebrate Code Club’s 10th birthday with a free global codealong!

Celebrate Code Club’s 10th birthday with a free global codealong!

 03 May 2022 | views: 672 | Virtual Events

Code Club supports a global community of volunteers and educators to run free coding clubs, where young people can learn to build and share their ideas. This year Code Club is turning ten years old and to celebrate they will be hosting a live global codealong party on Thursday 26 May.

Code Club invite you to join online to create a simple, fun birthday project in Scratch. Code Club teams from across the world will host several one-hour codealong sessions over the course of the day – just pick the session time that works best for you!

The codealong is aimed at young people aged 9–13 and will be open to all schools, community groups, and children, regardless of whether they usually attend Code Club. The project is perfect for all levels of coder, even those with no previous coding experience. To help you get in the party mood, you can also get your hands on a special downloadable birthday pack of resources, including a party hat, birthday crossword, sticker templates, and more!

Get your free birthday pack and register for the codealong before the deadline on Thursday 19 May at

Learn more and find out how you can start a Code Club at your school at