16 Feb 2022 | views: 788 | Virtual Events
Mars Day 2022 is a free event for everyone including families, schools and youth groups presented by the UK Space Education office (ESERO-UK), STEM Learning in conjunction with the European Space Agency and the UK Space Agency.
The lift off date is Monday 14th March 2022 and is part of Mars Week which runs parallel to British Science Week 2022.
STEM Ambassadors join international guests on a mission with ESA and the UK Space Agency, bringing virtual talks including speakers from the ExoMars and Rosalind Franklin Rover mission’s teams. All the different sessions from the guest speakers can be found on the Mars Day Website: Sessions and Stars
Mars Hour @11am encourages schools to take part in Mars related activities at the same time nationwide. 1hr long Mars activities such as Martian Explorers: What are space robots? can be found on their website. Mars Hour Activities
Find out more by visiting the Mars Day 2022 Website marsday.org.uk and register for the full day of events at Mars Day 2022 Tickets, Mon 14 Mar 2022 at 09:05 | Eventbrite