06 Jul 2020 | views: 546 | Resources
STEM@Home is growing! We are continuing to add themes to this section, so make sure you check in weekly to see what we have in store for you. Not only are we adding new themes, but we are updating previous themes with even more interactive activities that you can do, whether you are in school or at home.
As further themes are continuing to be launched, it seemed appropriate to provide an update on the successes of this work so far!
The pie chart below shows the numbers of engagements with each of the themes (as of 6th July 2020). Materials was the last theme, which launched at the same time as the online Jamboree. In total more than 16,000 views have occurred.
Feedback on each these has been positive and twitter has shown what schools and individuals are doing with the materials.
New ideas and activities are added to these all the time, so go back and look at the first themes, and if you have any additional ideas for activities to share, please contact the Hub.
A gallery will be launched soon – where all the fabulous activities undertaken in homes and schools across the county will be shared. There will be prizes and certificates for all shown. We look forward to seeing all the amazing work you do while taking part in STEM@Home!