March 16 2018 | Kent & Medway | Views: 2433
On Friday 16th March, Kent & Medway STEM in partnership with Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust and Health Education England working across Kent, Surrey and Sussex offered students the opportunity to attend an inspirational and interactive careers day at a high tech training centre at Maidstone Hospital.
The event was attended by 180 children students from schools from across Kent and Medway. It was an opportunity for students to meet with a variety of health and social care professionals, to discover the diverse career opportunities available across the sector. The day comprised of 4 workshops, an interactive talk and interactive activities from an array of different professionals who offered students information and first hand outlooks at what their day to day jobs entail! Students were able to gain a better understanding of the progression routes that lead to rewarding and stimulating careers across the health and social care sector.
These 20 different interactive career stands, provided students with information and advice on a vast range of careers including therapy services such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and nutrition and dieticians. LDC Care Co Ltd, a family run business providing care for adults with learning disabilities, medical physics, medical device engineering and support, pathology of disease, adult and child nursing career pathways, exploring inside an ambulance, work experience information and Mcch Careers who provide support to people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health issues
Feedback from the students to the question ‘The thing that surprised me most about today was’ included:
Feedback from teachers included: