The STEM Hub Canterbury Christ Church University
The STEM Hub


Eyes See You!

Eyes See You!

  Primary | Health | Views: 726

Test your eyes with these mini experiments!

Experiment 1

You will Need:

  • Two pencils

What to Do:

  1. Lie two pencils on the palm of each hand. Hold them out, but keep them apart.
  2. Now, close one eye. Bring the pencils towards each other and try to touch them together…Did you miss?
  3. Start again, but this time do it with both eyes open. Did you miss this time?

Experiment 2

You will Need:

  • Coins
  • Small cup

What to Do:

  1. Place a cup on the table, sit about a metre away and close one eye.
  2. Ask somebody else to hold the coins above the table and move the coins around slowly.
  3. Tell your friend to DROP when you think the coins are above the cup…but with one eye closed! Did the coins drop into the cup? Try again!
  4. Now, do the same but with both eyes open. Which way worked best?

Experiment 3

You will Need:

  • Card
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • String

What to Do:

  1. Draw and cut out a large circle on a piece of A4 card.
  2. On one side of the card, draw an empty fishbowl. On the other side, draw the fish!
  3. Create a hole on opposite sides of the circle.
  4. Cut two equal lengths of string, each around 60cm long, and thread these through each hole in the circle.
  5. Hold the strings and twirl the circle around to twist the strings on each side.
  6. Pull the twisted strings straight and spin the circle. What do you see? Is the fish in its bowl…wow!

How does it work?

  • As the circle is spinning, you see the pictures on both sides.
  • Your brain remembers the first image while you see the second, because the circle is spinning so quickly!
  • The pictures overlap in your brain and you can see both images at once!

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