A Tale of Two Telescopes: JWST and Euclid
Secondary | Space | Views: 670
Join STEM Ambassador Dr. Stephen Wilkins, Professor of Astronomy in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the University of Sussex, for a Live Talk to celebrate World Space Week. Stephen will excite you with in-depth knowledge about two amazing telescopes and guide you through the differences and what information is being captured. You will also hear about Stephen’s own career path and the routes he took to get there! The culmination of decades of effort by scientists and engineers across the world, James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launched on Christmas Day 2021 with scientific observations commencing six months later. Since this time JWST’s exquisite sensitivity, resolution, and wavelength coverage has enabled astronomers to explore our Universe as never before. We’ve now peered through clouds of gas and dust to observe stars and planets forming, analysed the atmospheres of alien planets, and discovered galaxies present when the Universe was only a tiny fraction of its age. This year JWST has been joined by ESA’s Euclid observatory. While smaller, and thus less sensitive, Euclid has a much larger field-of-view ultimately allowing it to survey around a third of the entire sky with Hubble quality imaging. Euclid’s capabilities will allow it to map out structures across the Universe allowing us to better understand the mysterious dark matter and dark energy.