Bouncing Eggs!
Primary | Materials | Views: 972
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What to Do:
- Place an egg in a jar and pour enough vinegar to submerge the egg. Add some food colouring if you want to be adventurous!
- 24 hours later, pour the vinegar our of the jar and replace with fresh vinegar.
- Now it’s time to wait… 7 days! Observe the egg over the course of the week and make notes of what you notice, perhaps bubbles on the eggshell?
- After 7 days, remove the egg from the jar and rinse it well.
- It’s time to explore and experiment with your rubber-like egg. Does it bounce? Can you see through it? Can you squeeze it? Use your senses to explore!
How does it work?
The eggshell gets its hardness from a mineral called calcium carbonate, like our bones. When you place the egg into the vinegar, you will start to observe bubbles. These bubbles are a chemical reaction between the acid in the vinegar and the base in the calcium carbonate of the eggshell. When an acid and a base mix they form a gas called carbon dioxide and the eggshell breaks down.
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