The STEM Hub Canterbury Christ Church University
The STEM Hub


Bouncing Eggs!

Bouncing Eggs!

  Primary | Materials | Views: 972

You will Need:

  • Eggs
  • Vinegar
  • A Jar

What to Do:

  1. Place an egg in a jar and pour enough vinegar to submerge the egg. Add some food colouring if you want to be adventurous!
  2. 24 hours later, pour the vinegar our of the jar and replace with fresh vinegar.
  3. Now it’s time to wait… 7 days! Observe the egg over the course of the week and make notes of what you notice, perhaps bubbles on the eggshell?
  4. After 7 days, remove the egg from the jar and rinse it well.
  5. It’s time to explore and experiment with your rubber-like egg. Does it bounce? Can you see through it? Can you squeeze it? Use your senses to explore!

How does it work?

The eggshell gets its hardness from a mineral called calcium carbonate, like our bones. When you place the egg into the vinegar, you will start to observe bubbles. These bubbles are a chemical reaction between the acid in the vinegar and the base in the calcium carbonate of the eggshell. When an acid and a base mix they form a gas called carbon dioxide and the eggshell breaks down.

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