The STEM Hub Canterbury Christ Church University
The STEM Hub


Create a Tree

Create a Tree

  Primary | Structures | Views: 911

You will need:

  • Card (easier)/paper (more difficult) – how difficult to you want it to be?
  • Scissors
  • No sticking allowed – no glue or tape!

What to do:

1.    Each competitor should build a tree with a distinct trunk and crown.

2.    The tree must be free-standing.

3.       Only use the materials provided.

4.       Start a timer – What can you build in 15 minutes?

5.       Either pick a judge, or vote for the winner!

Perhaps award for:

The tallest tree

The wildest tree

The sturdiest tree        

The most life-like tree

Take a photo of your creation and tag us on Twitter @KentMedwaySTEM.

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