Does adding fruit affect the jelly setting?
Secondary | Materials | Views: 1067
What to Do:
- Follow along with the PowerPoint presentation to set up your investigation using the equipment outlined.
- Download the worksheets using the link below to fulfil the learning to go alongside the activity.
- Think like a Scientist – how are we going to ask the investigation question given to us?
- Design the experiment you are going to conduct, you could follow along with the one in the video, or follow a different investigation route.
- Record your observations and answer the questions attached.
- Come to a conclusion – were you able to answer the original investigation question? Do you need to do further research? Or is there another investigation that you would like to find out as a result of this one?
We would love to see your investigations, worksheets and any activities that you do as a result of this activity. Send us your work to or tag us on Twitter @STEMHUB_SE
Download Worksheet
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