How can you affect the intensity of a glowstick?
Secondary | Materials | Views: 1032
You will Need:
- three glowsticks of the same colour
- three glass containers
- hot water from a kettle (no hotter than 70 °C Health & Safety: Always take care when handling hot water)
- ice
- cold water
- salt
- a darkened room.
What to Do:
- Watch the video to help you with this activity!
- Observe the structure of a glowstick, making notes of your observations. Then, snap a glowstick to activate it and shake! Try doing this with more than one glowstick, and again make a note of your observations.
- Fill one of the glass containers with hot water. Fill the other container with a mixture of ice and cold water and a few teaspoons of salt. At the same time place one glowstick half-way into the hot water and place one glowstick half-way into in the ice water mixture. Leave the third glowstick at room temperature in the empty container.
- Begin to make your recordings, results and conclusions. Download the worksheets using the link below to help you.
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