It IS Rocket Science from The National Space Centre
Secondary | Space | Views: 1093
Watch Katie from the UK's National Space Centre demonstrate the science behind rocket power in the link below.
*Many of these demonstrations use chemicals and fire, please do not try to recreate these at home!
Now try the following activites:
- The first rockets were not used as rockets! Explore the history by learning about Ancient China’s usage.
- Fireworks: The video demonstrates the coloured flames created by potassium and copper. Research other elements that create coloured flames when burned.
- Isaac Newton’s third Law of Motion is the law needed if you wish to make rockets launch, forcing one thing to go downwards to make another move upwards. Find out these laws and how they are applied in everyday inventions, like rockets.
- You can demonstrate the third Law of Motion at home. See if you can find the equipment and try to recreate this using the instructions outlined in the video.
- Water is a compound - Research what other compounds are found in everyday life ?
Watch rocket science in action with this video from The UK's National Space Centre
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