Liquid Tower
Primary | Materials | Views: 1282
You will Need:
- A glass
- A measuring cup
- Honey or syrup
- Water and food colouring
- Washing-Up Liquid
- Milk
- Oil
- Any liquids of your choice to experiment with!
What to Do:
- Think about the density of each liquid, what does density mean? In liquids, a clue to their density could be how thick the liquid is.
- Start with the heaviest liquid and carefully pour this into the centre of the glass, trying not to touch the sides. The thinner the liquid, the closer to the edge of the glass you should pour. Always pour slowly and carefully.
- In the video, you can see the example of honey, milk, washing-up liquid, water and oil. Can you try to create something different?
We would love to see your liquid tower creations! Send us a photo to explaining which liquids you chose, or tag us on Twitter @STEMHUB_SE
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