Make your own Solar System Hanging Model
Primary | Space | Views: 3460
You will need:
What to Do:
1. Draw a circle to represent each planet. If you want to make them proportional, to compare their sizes, you could use the following measures of diameter (a straight line that goes through the middle of a circle)
2. Cut out each circle and write the planet name on one side.
3. Have a look at some pictures of each planet online and colour and design each of your circles to match.
4. If you like, write a fact about each planet on a card and stick it to the bottom of each planet, so it dangles underneath when it’s hanging.
5. Tape some wooden skewers together to hang your planets.
6. OPTIONAL: You could also add is the Sun, but it is ten times bigger than Jupiter, so you may want to imagine it’s there!
7. Use your pencil/scissors to carefully make a hole in the middle of each planet. Push them onto the skewer in the correct order. If needed, use some Sellotape/glue to keep them in position.
8. If you want to hang your model, use some thread to tie the skewers onto a clothes hanger.
9. If you are feeling adventurous, you could make some papier-mâché and create a 3D model!