Muscles for Movement
Primary | Health | Views: 875
You will Need:
- Cardboard
- Pins
- Elastic bands
- Stapler/Tape
- Scissors
What to Do:
- Cut two long pieces of cardboard of equal length – these will represent bones.
- Place on piece of card on top of the other, create a hole and join the pieces together using a pin.
- Cut four elastic bands to open them.
- Cut two shorter lengths and two longer lengths – these will represent muscles.
- Making sure the elastic bands are tight, but not pulling, on the outside of the bones, which represent an arm, staple the shorter elastic bands. Each elastic band should join one bone to the other – one at the bottom and one at the side.
- On the inside of the bones, staple the two longer elastic bands, again joining each bone from top to bottom.
- Move the muscles to see how they move the bones in our body. Watch how when one muscle is flexing, the other is relaxing!
How does it work?
- The front elastic bands represent the biceps, whereas the elastic bands at the back represent the triceps.
- The biceps and triceps muscles work together to allow you to bend and straighten your elbow.
- When you want to bend your elbow, your biceps muscle contracts while your triceps relax.
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