The STEM Hub Canterbury Christ Church University
The STEM Hub


pH Paper Part 1 - Test for pH

pH Paper Part 1 - Test for pH

  Secondary | Materials | Views: 7322

You will Need:

  • pH paper, which gives a number that shows how acidic a chemical is by changing colour. You can buy this cheaply or make your own!
  • Straws
  • Coca-Cola, or fizzy drink of your choice
  • Milk
  • Tap water
  • Vinegar (cider and malt)
  • Laundry detergent
  • Table (make your own to record your results)

Health and Safety: As you can see in the video, Daniel is wearing goggles and an apron to protect his eyes and clothes. All chemicals are used in a small amount to avoid spillage, and everything takes place on a flat, safe surface with kitchen paper at the ready for spills!

What to Do:

  1. Cut a small piece of pH paper to go along with each liquid you will be testing. Make sure that your hands are dry when doing this!
  2. Add one drop of each liquid to its matching piece of pH paper.
  3. Use the pH scale to determine which colour matches each strip. What is the pH number?
  4. Record each pH number on your table of results. Is each liquid an acid, base or neutral?
  5. Remember, the smaller the number, the more acidic it is! Order your results by most to least acidic liquid. What does this tell you about these liquids?

pH7 = neutral solution, such as water

less than 7 = acid

more than 7 = base

If you followed along with the liquids chosen in the video, perhaps you would like to investigate some different liquids around your house! Send us a photo of your results to or tag us on Twitter @STEMHUB_SE

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