The STEM Hub Canterbury Christ Church University
The STEM Hub


Practical Action: Beat the Flood

Practical Action: Beat the Flood

  Primary | Structures | Views: 861

Learn about the issues of flooding that affect both developed and third world countries. People living in poverty suffer most from the effects of flooding, how can we support them in preparing for flooding?

Setting the scene:

You are in a community living on Watu; a small island in the Indian Ocean.

Over the past 5 years you’ve seen a massive increase in rainfall, causing many of the island’s rivers to flood at least twice a year.

Your traditional homes made from earth floors, wooden frames and topped with corrugated iron roofs are regularly damaged or lost as they’re not designed to withstand flooding.

Your challenge is to:

1. Check out the Practical Action website for a map to help decide the best location to minimise flood damage to your home.

2. Design your home to help prevent flood damage, thinking about the materials and structure.

3. Draw your completed design, label it, and make a model if you wish!

Visit the Practical Action website for more info, further resources and materials.

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