Rosetta & Philae – the Comet Space Probes
Primary | Space | Views: 1309
Rosetta & Philae are cartoon characters heading to space to find out about comets and send information back to Earth. In the cartoon below we learn about their family of space probes and what they have learned about mysterious comets.
Watch the cartoon in the link below then answer the following questions:
- What are comets?
- What did people think comets were throughout history? Research stories that people wrote about comets.
- Halley’s Comet is a famous comet that orbits and comes back to Earth. Write a profile of the famous scientist Edmond Halley, who had a comet named after him.
- What kind of secrets can we learn from comets?
- Rosetta and Philae are space probes. What is their job?
- Pretend you are Rosetta or Philae – Write a diary entry to add to their family scrapbook. Could you draw some ‘photographs’ they might take?
Watch the Rosetta & Philae cartoon here
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