The STEM Hub Canterbury Christ Church University
The STEM Hub


Salt Dough Dinosaurs

Salt Dough Dinosaurs

  Primary | Dinosaurs | Views: 1638

You will need:

  • 1 cupful of plain flour
  • half a cupful of table salt
  • half a cupful of water

What to Do:

  1. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl.
  2. Add the water and mix until it forms a ball of dough.
  3. Roll the dough onto a floured work surface.
  4. Use cutters if you have them, or draw some dinosaur outlines on paper to make a stencil and carefully cut around it on top of the dough.
  5. Place your items on a baking sheet and leave in the oven on the lowest setting for three hours or until hardened.
  6. Allow your dinosaur shapes to cool and then decorate! You can use paint, or if you don’t have it felt tips also work well.
  7. Perhaps you could set your dinosaur models up in a scene or habitat and have a photo shoot or write a story.

We would love to see your salt dough dinosaur creations! Tag us on Twitter @STEMHUB_SE or get feedback from a STEM Ambassador by emailing

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