‘Science in a Box’ was created for students to learn more about medicine development, the role of the pharmaceutical industry and to demonstrate the range of career opportunities that exist in the pharmaceutical industry. Developed by Pfizer UK colleagues, the programme is available in primary and secondary school editions and is facilitated by our STEM and SIP Ambassadors trained on Science in a Box.
Medicine and Me
‘Medicine and Me’ is the primary school ‘Science in a Box’ edition, aimed at Key Stage 2 children (7-8 year olds) The resource pack is designed to inspire and motivate school children to have an interest in science using the topic of medicines. It contains 5 modules, beginning with an introductory puzzle that offers a simple overview of how medicines are discovered and the key steps in this process. There are an additional 4 activities designed in a sequential manner or as separate activities which teachers or students can choose from.
Molecule to Medicine
Aimed at 13-14 year olds, ‘Molecule to Medicine’ resource guides secondary school students through the key steps that are taken to discover and develop medicine. The introductory module provides a summary of the stages involved in developing a medicine, whilst each of the subsequent modules delve deeper into each of the processes.
To find out more visit www.pfizer.co.uk/science-in-a-box